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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

unicorns with wings

unicorns with wings. (Please note the rainbow wings
  • (Please note the rainbow wings

  • mark151
    Sep 12, 08:12 AM
    Italian iTunes (Music) Store is down too, with the black screen.

    and...i've found this

    unicorns with wings. Your unicorns are among the
  • Your unicorns are among the

  • leekohler
    Apr 27, 07:58 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Really? That doesn't matter? Well then why don't we have men compete in all the women's events at the Olympics? Oh wait, it does matter

    I'm not defending the attackers. I think it was terrible. Horrifying video. It's hard to believe people are like this.

    I do think this whole "biology doesn't matter, it's how you feel in your heart" nonsense is obviously nonsense.

    He has every right to dress like a girl. I don't even mind if he uses a female bathoom. But those things don't make someone female. The characteristics that allow doctors to assign genders to new-borns do not change as people get older.

    There are no words I have to say to you. The ignorance is astounding.

    unicorns with wings. a unicorn thought Wings is
  • a unicorn thought Wings is

  • BornAgainMac
    Oct 3, 01:38 PM
    I want Bill Gates to have a keynote that has a timeline of all the Pocket PC Phones releases they had in the last 5 years. Then Bill Gates will say "So you know what we have been doing for the last 5 years. Lets see what some of our competitors have been doing with phones in that time."

    Apple, please come out with the damn phone!

    Steve Jobs retiring

    Steve Jobs says "iRetire" and walks off. I just don't see him retiring anytime soon.

    unicorns with wings. Unicorn Fantasy
  • Unicorn Fantasy

  • whoooaaahhhh
    Oct 2, 03:01 PM
    So when will Real be dead? I have a feeling that after our inevitable nuclear war, it'll just be cockroaches, twinkies and them. At least they'll be in good company.


    unicorns with wings. Unicorn On Gossomer Wings
  • Unicorn On Gossomer Wings

  • Tyler76
    Oct 2, 03:21 AM
    this is one of the worst titles for a story I have read. It also sounds like whoever wrote the story has no knowledge of anything that's been happening in architecture for about a century.

    Clean, modern design? Must be influenced by the iPhone! :rolleyes:
    They are referring to iPhone, the main topic.

    unicorns with wings. Fairy Unicorn Horse With
  • Fairy Unicorn Horse With

  • citizenzen
    Apr 22, 10:00 AM
    ... teach our kids why rome fell ...

    You mean because they passed laws against homosexuality?

    While I find that a little simplistic, if you really want to run with that theory that's your choice.

    Homosexuality in ancient Rome (

    Homosexuality in ancient Rome features dispassionately in many literary works, poems, graffiti and in comments, for example, on the sexual predilections of single emperors: Edward Gibbon famously observed that "of the first fifteen emperors Claudius was the only one whose taste in love was entirely correct". Surviving graphic representations are, on the other hand, rarer in ancient Rome than in classical Greece. Attitudes toward homosexuality changed over time ranging from the matter-of-fact acceptance of Republican Rome and the pagan Empire to rising condemnation, exampled by the Athenian Sextus Empiricus, who asserted that άρρενομιζία was outlawed in Rome— and in Athens, too!— and Cyprian.

    The term homosexuality is anachronistic for the ancient world, since there is no single word in either Latin or ancient Greek with the same meaning as the modern concept of homosexuality, nor was there any sense that a man was defined by his gender choices in love-making; "in the ancient world so few people cared to categorize their contemporaries on the basis of the gender to which they were erotically attracted that no dichotomy to express this distinction was in common use", James Boswell has noted.


    Later Empire

    The rise of statutes legislating against homosexuality begins during the social crisis of the 3rd century, when a series of laws were promulgated regulating various aspects of homosexual relations, from the statutory rape of minors to gay marriages. By the sixth century homosexual relations were expressly prohibited for the first time, as Procopius notes.

    On a related note, a search of the string "homo" in the article The Decline of Rome ( comes up with zero results.

    You gotta do better than that bassfingers. :rolleyes:


    unicorns with wings. Fairy Unicorn Horse With
  • Fairy Unicorn Horse With

  • Full of Fail
    May 3, 02:09 PM
    The promise of an open system doesn't always play out in the real world.

    Just like communism

    unicorns with wings. Pegasus Winged Unicorn Horse
  • Pegasus Winged Unicorn Horse

  • bloodycape
    Nov 16, 02:06 PM
    gamers that want to switch to mac but wont because of intel, which is stupid. AMD fanboys hate intel also(there is a signifigant amount of these people). They still haven't realised that intel has taken the lead again.

    I am an AMD fanboy who thinks intel makes great chips, so not every amd fanboy hates intel. Just look at my sig.


    unicorns with wings. real unicorns with wings,
  • real unicorns with wings,

  • ShakyJay
    Dec 23, 11:29 PM
    I wouldn't believe it. They allegedly don't tell their own stores anything because they feel they can't trust the staff (who are mostly college aged kids) not to post glamour it on their facebook, etc. No way would they tell another company like Radio Shack especially this early

    Trust me Verizon employees do not know if they are getting the iPhone 6 months in advance...The boss's don't trust them to change out light bulbs in their stores, why would they give them critical data that could change their stocks????

    unicorns with wings. Unicorns with wings and
  • Unicorns with wings and

  • Rm.237
    Apr 8, 01:01 PM
    Perhaps! New Hardware is coming out (iMacs???) and the promo will be a buy a Mac get an iPad for $X.
    Sure. Uh huh. Yeah right. :rolleyes:


    unicorns with wings. unicorns with wings and
  • unicorns with wings and

  • msb3079
    Apr 25, 03:45 PM
    I'd much rather have a slightly bigger screen (mostly for less "dead" space) than performance improvements, when I'm happy with current performance. WTF do you people do on your phones anyway...??

    unicorns with wings. It#39;s a unicorn with wings.
  • It#39;s a unicorn with wings.

  • rdowns
    Apr 16, 04:43 PM
    Because the promotion of homosexuality is detrimental to a society and the people who promote it know this. For example, the mere announcement of a gay history curriculum causes conflicts such as the one in this thread and especially moreso in the real world. Instead of fighting about such stupid things as this, our school system should be heavily decentralized so that you can decide whether or not your child learns about homosexual history by simply selecting a non-political, non-psychologically damaging school in your area and everything would be fine and kept separate, but no, the people who run everything love to just mash everybody into one big public school system and slowly change the rules to cause people to fight all because of what is essentially 4% of the population.

    Conflict? The only conflict I see is your ilk trying to ignore the facts of life. Some people are gay. Deal with it, it's not hurting anyone.


    unicorns with wings. Josephine Wall Wings Figurine
  • Josephine Wall Wings Figurine

  • samiwas
    May 5, 09:21 PM
    "Do you have the household cleaners in the house, and are they locked up and out of reach of your child?"

    "Do you have the guns in the house, and are do they have trigger locks and/or are they locked up and out of reach of your child?"

    That one elicits a defensive, paranoid response while the other doesn't says more about the parent than the doctor.

    The NRA has so brainwashed their members that the boogeyman is gonna confiscate their guns that there has to be some hidden agenda in questions about firearms. The doctor are not turning you into some database, I promise. We just care about the safety of your child/

    This is kind of the way I see it. Doctors or any child-safety-related services person start asking questions, and the parents will gleefully talk about how safe everything in their house/car is (cleaners and poisons safely stored away, cabinets locked, access to pool is locked, car seats, etc). One question about guns and suddenly they go ape****** about how their privacy is being invaded. I see the whole gun-ownership thing as kind of a dick-waving exercise. Guys start talking about their guns and suddenly get very defensive and somewhat arrogant. Yes, that's my opinion....I have no source to cite.

    unicorns with wings. On Unicorn With Wings
  • On Unicorn With Wings

  • Sdashiki
    Sep 8, 12:49 PM
    If you havent listened to the album dont bitch about it sucking or that the artist sucks.

    How many of the bureaucrats listened to Ice-Ts album when "Cop Killa" was the hot news item....they just heard COP KILLER must be bad.

    if you hear one thing you dont agree with it, fine you dont agree. But if you are so ignorant as to just plug your ears and go LALALALA instead of actually looking into what you dont agree with, then you deserve to not listen to music.


    unicorns with wings. your unicorn with wings is
  • your unicorn with wings is

  • Anuba
    Jan 12, 08:00 PM
    IMO, I think the general religion is "smug, matronizing, hollier-than-thou, etc", and it breaks down into sub-regions called Apple, Microsoft, Coke, Pepsi, etc, each with their own church. I'm not a fan of the Apple people that are like that, nor am I a fan of the Microsoft people who act that way either.

    I hear ya, but... Microsoft devotees? Those exist? Statistically, if I've bumped into 100 bona fide Macdroids I should've encountered about 3200 Microsofties. The only Microsoft addict I can think of at the moment is Paul Thurrott over at SuperSite for Windows, but he always struck me as more of a, well, Paul Thurrott fan who likes to talk about Paul Thurrott and put little pictures of Paul Thurrott on his Paul Thurrott page about Windows and Paul Thurrott. Most Windows users don't seem to think about Windows at all. While this may be perceived as a lack of enthusiasm for the product, I find it quite sound. Windows is just something they use, like a sidewalk, a fork or a toilet. I like having a toilet available, really appreciate what it does for me, but it's not like I've built a shrine for it or have posters of it over my bed.

    unicorns with wings. Unicorn
  • Unicorn

  • Xenc
    Apr 30, 06:04 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-gb) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Aw, the sunken buttons aren't as cool as the slider.


    unicorns with wings. Angel Wings Pictures, Images amp;
  • Angel Wings Pictures, Images amp;

  • mrelwood
    May 2, 01:50 PM
    In case you didn't catch it, 4.2.1 was the last firmware ever for the iPhone 3G. The hardware simply can't handle more features.

    Yeah, bug fixes are a hell of a strain on the CPU.

    unicorns with wings. Type of monster: Dark Unicorn
  • Type of monster: Dark Unicorn

  • axual
    Apr 30, 10:26 AM
    They could have actually done both ... making the active perspective a sunken button (darker) with a slight raised frame around it and kept the inactive perspective raised (lighter). You could still push or slide depending on your whim.

    unicorns with wings. 5) Anything with wings on it
  • 5) Anything with wings on it

  • wrlsmarc
    Jul 21, 12:09 PM
    The attention paid to this by the press is way overblown and, in my opinion, borders on irresponsible reporting to sell clicks and pages. I have an iPhone 4 and 3GS. Have done side by side comparisons of signal quality and the ability to maintain calls in low signal areas. The iPhone 4 beats my 3GS every call.

    Yes I can touch the lower left hand side of the phone and cause signal loss. However, it is also an area that is so small, I can easily avoid. I also use a bumper occasionally. With the bumper, I can't make the signal do much. I do prefer to have a naked iPhone and have no concerns carrying and using it that way.

    I for one am very happy with the iPhone 4. It is fast, really fast. It does not drop calls where my 3GS did. The battery life is far superior to any smartphone I have owned. I download a variety of applications without fear. I play my music or Pandora when I work out. I use Facetime.....

    Apple has a right to defend themselves. If you look at their choice of antenna design, they placed the antenna as far away from the head as possible. That makes me happy. I am also pleased with SAR values relative to other smartphones.

    I guess this makes me a fanboy. But I join the majority that say this is a great phone.

    Sep 28, 02:27 PM
    I wonder if he's going to rent any rooms out?

    Apr 5, 09:10 PM
    Okay, I've changed my mind....I downloaded this app, and now it's my most favorite app ever.:D


    Apr 16, 01:15 AM
    Bad. I could do a rendering in Sketchup that would look more realistic than that.


    Apr 29, 02:07 PM
    In another sense, the direction of the consumer PC/tablet/etc. will be where Apple takes it. They can play off of their successes with the iPad and iPhone and use that to shift the market to devices where Apple has a substantial amount of IP, experience, and expertise. It's one thing to be an alternative, as opposed to a shift where everything else becomes a (less desirable) alternative. That's where Apple is trying to go. Obviously not everyone agrees, but they have thus far made substantial inroads. Apple is increasingly a consumer-focussed company, so the utility of an interface in OS X, for instance, may suffer in it's usability for the "power user." It's hard to say though how much compromise will be made, as the dramatic changes in Final Cut Pro's upcoming release indicate a continued commitment to at least one sub-group of power users.

    Yes, and given how much copying is going on with other companies, I'd say Apple is being quite successful in getting their gestures to become a standard. Pinch to zoom is now almost universal.

    I have to laugh at the people worried that one day Apple will cut off software access in OS X. Apple said they won't do that. That would be bad for business. It makes no sense.

    Nov 23, 07:02 PM
    I can confirm these are indeed the prices you will see. As for other details, none have been given. I'm sure we'll be told the details just before opening, such as what discounts can or cannot be combined by customers, etc. Expect all new signage in the stores, as well as a switch from the traditional black shirts to bright red shirts which display a product on front and a clever saying on the back. iPod, iPod Shuffle, MacBook & iMac will be the variety you'll see.

    Also of note...if you bought recently (in the last few days) and want to get in on the dicounted prices, bring your product back in and plead with the store managers...they have the authority to return and re-ring the sale with the discount sans any restocking fee. Of course, they also have the right to be jerks and say no.

    One last thing...don't plan on getting much attention from the Mac Specialist tomorrow, they'll be busy ringing out sales. Know what you want and get in line. They've been building stock for the last few weeks, but some items, such as iMacs and MacBooks are in limited quantities. (Perhaps 30 of each model in stock...maximum)

    I got a black macbook for my father today and when I asked the girl at the cash register if I should wait until tomorrow she replied that if the price goes down on the macbook, they will adjust the price for me. I hope that's really true. She even said that it wouldn't be fair to penalise me because I wanted to buy a computer the day before a sale...hmmm. Does anybody know how this would work? Do I need to bring it in again, or can I just bring the receipt?

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