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Monday, May 30, 2011

enfermedades venereas fotos

enfermedades venereas fotos. Las venéreas, olvidadas
  • Las venéreas, olvidadas

  • Anuba
    Jan 12, 07:52 PM
    i don't know i still who they plan to sell it ... sure there are mac enthusiasts (i would take it too when given as a present) but 10 million within a year without any real range of products ...

    Did he really say 10 million within a year? Surely he jests. It's not even coming out in Europe until and if he's thinking 10 million in the US alone, um... that's like 15% of Cingular's customer base.

    enfermedades venereas fotos. Adolescencia: Enfermedades de
  • Adolescencia: Enfermedades de

  • Aeolius
    Oct 4, 09:05 PM
    Fair enough. Three of my children were born in China, while a fourth was born in Taiwan. I have seen plenty of families living in ruins, huts, and caves in my journeys.

    enfermedades venereas fotos. enfermedades venereas
  • enfermedades venereas

  • Pared
    Apr 25, 02:02 PM
    That's an awful idea. Posts will get downrated because someone disagrees with a perfectly valid opinion? I've already seen posts downrated because someone said they prefer Android over Apple or had a good thing to say about Microsoft. Hell, I'd probably get downrated just for my avatar.

    As long as people are going to act like little children, using these ratings to hide posts is a horrible idea.

    Then if that is the worry, you should remove the negative aspect and disallow anyone from "potentially acting like children."

    enfermedades venereas fotos. Muchas enfermedades
  • Muchas enfermedades

  • soLoredd
    Jan 15, 02:25 PM
    I was disappointed with most of it but I think that's because the lack of any mention of Mac Mini. I was ready to buy one today, credit card on the table. Now I will probably head out this week and get an iMac instead. The Mini was a great idea and still could find a place for people who just want a quick, inexpensive set up, but it seems Apple is not bothered with the affordables. I thought we might have seen a shift in Apple ideology with the introduction of the Mini, but that was a pipe dream.

    Time Capsule looks great, though, and it will work out well with my MacBook and the iMac. The iPhone update was ok but now that I've seen 'My Location' place me about a mile off-track, sent 2 mass SMS, and watched the icons jiggle, it has worn off. Makes me wonder what the folks in the iPhone development team are doing these days, as Google made the Maps app so all Apple did was implement Webclips and multi-SMS. Woohoo! :rolleyes:

    Here's hoping for the better at some point.


    enfermedades venereas fotos. Enfermedades de transmisión
  • Enfermedades de transmisión

  • ezekielrage_99
    Aug 10, 08:44 PM
    I thought the Apple Displays might sport an iSight Camera....

    Still uping the specs and dropping the price is enough for me :cool:

    enfermedades venereas fotos. Enfermedades de Transmisión
  • Enfermedades de Transmisión

  • dalvin200
    Sep 12, 02:58 AM
    Keep going... All 13th September:

    5am - New Zealand
    3am - Eastern Australia
    2:30am - Central Australia
    1am - Western Australia

    Zealund?? :confused:



    enfermedades venereas fotos. #39;Enfermedades de Transmisión
  • #39;Enfermedades de Transmisión

  • slffl
    Oct 3, 12:23 PM
    I guess the 'Year of the laptop' was for that year only.

    enfermedades venereas fotos. enfermedades venereas
  • enfermedades venereas

  • mubo
    Apr 16, 09:52 AM
    Now that looks better. Where did you get these from? I'm assuming they are fake.

    Speaker and mic on the back:rolleyes:


    enfermedades venereas fotos. de enfermedades venereas
  • de enfermedades venereas

  • Mord
    Apr 26, 09:57 AM
    I know it wasn't a skeevy guy. What I also know is that transgendered people have to deal with all sorts of problems, including what restroom to use. A transgendered woman going into a women's room should not be treated like a skeevy guy going into a restroom, but it happens. I've seen it happen. I pointed out the comparison to spark a conversation, not to say it's right, but to say the comparison is often made. Either there is a failure of education and tolerance, or some accomodation needst to be made, or maybe security should be better, or something...

    Oh, and there are too many people who make unfounded assumptions. This story is proof of that.

    Out of curiosity, do you actually know what gender she was? Was she post-op? Pre-op? Does it matter? I think a woman sitting in a stall might freak out by someone peeing upright next to them.

    Yes, I do. She's female. No it doesn't matter, even if she was pre-op she wouldn't nor would any transsexual pee standing up in a female public restroom. I certainly never did before I had surgery. For what it's worth I used female loos for four years before I went under the knife, not one single incident, not one single person expressed any kind of discomfort, not one single eyelid batted.

    This obsession with the loos is ridiculous. They're just toilets. We have to piss just like anyone else, is it too much to ask to do it with dignity without undue hassle?

    I did have something to add, my opinion, which I am more than entitled to state just as much as you do.

    This guy had arms and legs. He could've at least tried to defend himself, but he chose not too, which I dont understand why...

    If I were attacked, my first instinct would be to fight back or run.

    You're not a skinny girl. Being attacked like that typically puts one into a state of shock especially if one doesn't have the fight/flight response of a typical male.

    enfermedades venereas fotos. Enfermedades venéreas
  • Enfermedades venéreas

  • tny
    Nov 16, 04:26 PM
    Do they have to remake a new "Universal Binary?" Because aren't the current UB's for Intel and PPC? Please tell me they wont. I don't wnat to have to wait again for new UB's

    No. The AMD processors we're talking about have the same instruction set as the Intel processors Apple is currently using; in fact, the 64 bit extensions were written by AMD, not Intel (Intel's original 64-bit solution is Itanium, which on the seamier side of the computer trade - for instance, in the Register - is called the Itanic, because it is still sinking; eventually, Intel was forced to adopt AMD's extensions because the architecture is more compatible with the Pentium/x86 architecture).

    Such a switch would be comparable in terms of technological impact to the switch from IBM for the G3 to Motorola for the G4, and then to IBM for the G5.

    Now, if Apple switched to Intel Itanium or (if it were ever released again) the Digital Alpha, yes, a new form of Universal Binary would be needed. I suspect that the Cell processor is not completely compatible with the G5, so it's possible that a switch to Cell would require a new form of UB, too.


    enfermedades venereas fotos. google fotos de enfermedades
  • google fotos de enfermedades

  • 2 Replies
    Apr 6, 12:34 PM
    "iAd Gallery" .... HA!
    Advertising for this just writes itself! ...

    "Want to know exactly how much of an Apple whore you are?
    Interested in downloading an app with no functionality beyond JUST feeding Apple advertising revenue?
    There's an APP for that!".

    enfermedades venereas fotos. (Enfermedades venereas imagenes) - (enfermedades venereas con imagenes) - (fotos enfermedades venereas dela mujer)
  • (Enfermedades venereas imagenes) - (enfermedades venereas con imagenes) - (fotos enfermedades venereas dela mujer)

  • CQd44
    Apr 16, 06:41 PM
    Ahhhh.... dude... the only Apps that don't really get approved are ones that do things that can cause security risks or just plain trying to steal your information.

    Yeah, I know... there are also Apps that break the rules and get axed, but for the most part, my first point is true. Any legitimate application can get approved.

    If you keep up with Android apps, security is one of the their problems. Open? Yes... risky? Yes.

    Didn't that lady's iAd gallery app get rejected?

    also, the Google Voice had problems getting out. And different browsers didn't appear for a long while I thought.


    enfermedades venereas fotos. Enfermedades+venereas+
  • Enfermedades+venereas+

  • jezza63
    Jan 12, 12:04 AM
    AppleTV to include wireless operation of another mac similar to screen sharing but much faster and including audio. Can operate AppleTV with wireless keyboard.

    enfermedades venereas fotos. las enfermedades venéreas
  • las enfermedades venéreas

  • krestfallen
    Oct 17, 09:38 AM
    in our stingy society it should be clear who will win - the cheapest, hd-dvd


    enfermedades venereas fotos. Comic sobre las enfermedades
  • Comic sobre las enfermedades

  • sanford
    Jan 11, 08:50 PM
    not me. the video was sooo hilarious. CES = the most prominent electronics show in the world with the MOST HIGH TECH tech you can find. and they allow for a 14.99 POS hack to ruin almost every booth.

    HILARIOUS. i actually laughed out loud almost the whole video. childish yes. hilarious yes.

    eye opening? yes. next year you can imagine there will be a few more companies that disable IR ports in public displays.

    I'm sure you're not a journalism professional. I don't think the point of this should be whether it was funny or not. Fine, you found it funny, others didn't, that's the nature of jokes. The point is: the press observes. One cannot observe something without influencing it or changing it in some, at least, small way. But it is not the business of the press *to set about to* change or influence that which they observe.

    enfermedades venereas fotos. enfermedades venereas imagenes
  • enfermedades venereas imagenes

  • weldon
    Oct 17, 01:54 PM
    I realize that the discussion has gone off towards the relative merits of each format, but I'm going to go back to the original statement that Apple is going to support both...

    This is non-news. Because Apple is involved in content creation (Final Cut Pro, DVD Studio Pro, etc.), they are going to support both formats so that people can author discs for HD-DVD and Blu-ray and create fancy menus, etc. It's no big leap to go from supporting authoring content targeted at both formats to supporting hardware to play and burn both formats.


    enfermedades venereas fotos. enfermedades venéreas
  • enfermedades venéreas

  • dethmaShine
    Apr 9, 09:00 AM
    So far Ive seen
    Smartscreen for File Checking (
    Auto Superbar Colourization (
    Metro IE9 for Tablet Versions (
    Built-in Metro Style PDF Reader (
    Possible Office Ribbon interface for Windows Explorer (
    New Style Lock-Screen (
    Metro Tablet UI will be "Immersive" (
    Will Allow Software Acceleration (
    Metro Theme (
    History Vault (Easy Interface on Backup and Shadow Copying) (
    System Reset (Restore to Factory Defaults in minutes) (
    Aero 'Lite' Theme (
    Better Language Support from the Box (
    Updated Superbar (
    Windows Live ID Login (
    Multiple Desktops/Flip & Smart Sticky Notes (
    Possible WP7-Style Smart Tiles for Win8 Tablet (

    Still no features compared to Mac OS.

    Also, those things that you mentioned looked hideous instead of that new lock screen which looks good.

    enfermedades venereas fotos. las enfermedades venéreas
  • las enfermedades venéreas

  • dontmatter
    Oct 22, 01:19 PM
    Of course the point is, they aren't doing these or any or things with the money. It's been accumulating steadily for nearly ten years, and is really building up quickly now. I don't think any of us "grumpy" stockholders would be complaining if Apple was doing something worthwhile with it. Dividends, BTW, are a message from a company to stockholders that they don't have to sell to realize a benefit from owning shares. They are good for improving the long term stability of the stock.

    I would love for apple to use 10 billion to innovate fantastically, enter new markets, go green, and more. I don't think it's going to happen- the purpose of 10 billion in the bank for apple is having 10 billion in the bank. Apple's expertise is in taking big risks (at least large for a compnay of their size), a good number of which pay off very, very well. But people- investors, CEOs, are risk adverse, and a huge pile of cash to operate on, so big they can operate and continue to invest in risky and exciting products, mitigates their risks. For apple, a pile of money might actually be worth more than investing that money at a high rate of return.

    enfermedades venereas fotos. enfermedades venereas
  • enfermedades venereas

  • ericschmerick
    Sep 28, 12:25 PM
    Aperture runs fine on my MBP 15" 2.0ghz. I have 2GB of ram, and I've definitely noticed that it'll use almost all of it. After 1 hr or so of working with images, I've seen it using 1.5GB+ of ram. So I suspect if you're running it with 1GB, you're missing out on some level of performance.

    I agree, the rotate/straighten tool sucks hard. I've found that it's really hard to move the mouse precisely enough, and the click buttons on each side go up/down by 1 degree! Too much for each step.

    I think the thing I love more than anything is not having an intermediate format. Working directly with RAW, and just leaving everything in that format until I'm ready to output, is terrific. I'm not a huge photoshopper, so once an image is sharpened, straightened, and levels adjusted, I'm usually done. So I'm not outputting a TIFF and bouncing into PS much. That might make a big difference in how you think about the value of aperture. I can't even imagine managing a whole separate collection of TIFFs, like I used to, now that I'm working directly with RAW.

    The actual RAW "conversion" (if it can still be called that) and adjustment process, for me, is about the same speed than C1 or PS was. I have iView Pro as well with well over 10,000 images in databases, and it's terrific, but I'm not using it any more.


    Sep 12, 08:23 AM
    since they haven't take down apple store for update, does that mean no new product? just new service? i'm waiting for a MB/MBP update

    The store will probably go down within an hour before Steve's keynote. I'm guessing the iTunes Music Store is down this early because this update takes a lot longer than the Web site.

    Nov 24, 01:34 PM
    oh btw..a hint...if you go to an apple store and buy a giftcard for the amount you need online...then you can use the gift card..get free get your 100 bucks off on a macbook w/ educatoinal discount and have no tax...

    so you really end up saving 200 bucks....thats what im doing just a heads up

    Could you explain?


    Nov 16, 10:36 PM
    I would.

    You see...ATi's integrated graphics solution is WAAYY BETTER than Intel 945 integrated graphics solution, so, it would be the perfect match for a lowcost laptop: Turion CPU and an ATi chipset.

    Here's a page with some IGP benchmarks: even spending an extra $1 on something from ATI would be well worth it. Almost double the performance over the GMA 950.

    Mar 4, 02:12 PM
    Oh- incredible, isn't it? Because as we've seen in the past, big business will indeed do the opposite of what he claims.

    Not only that, the "hand up vs. hand out" crap is truly mesmerizing. How can anyone that even utters that phrase take themselves seriously? :confused:

    Apr 29, 02:18 PM
    Steve really likes magic. Is he a magician?

    Define magician ;)

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